Earthquakes today

Current and latest world earthquakes breaking news, activity and articles today

News about latest earthquakes in Malinaltepec

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Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.8 mag has occurred near El Ocotito in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9

Moderate earthquake, 5 mag was detected near Xochistlahuaca in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.7 mag has occurred near Cuajinicuilapa in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9

Moderate earthquake: M5.2 quake has struck near Cuajinicuilapa in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.9 mag was detected near Ayutla de los Libres in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake 4.6 mag, 5 km SE of Tulcingo del Valle, Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.9 mag was detected near Marquelia in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.7 mag was detected near Marquelia in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9

Moderate earthquake, 5 mag has occurred near Tlapa de Comonfort in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9

Moderate earthquake, 5.7 mag has occurred near Pinotepa de Don Luis in Mexico

Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake 4.1 mag, 5 km NNW of Cuajinicuilapa, Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake 4.4 mag, 13 km SW of San Juan Cacahuatepec, Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake: M4.2 quake has struck near San Pedro Amuzgos in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.2 mag was detected near San Luis Acatlan in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake: M4.3 quake has struck near San Luis Acatlan in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.7 mag strikes near Cuautepec in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9

Moderate earthquake, 5.5 mag has occurred near San Luis Acatlan in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake, 4.5 mag was detected near Santa Maria Zacatepec in Mexico

Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake: M4 quake has struck near Tecoanapa in Mexico

Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9

Light earthquake 4.2 mag, 11 km ESE of Ometepec, Mexico